The location is close to manhattan. dishwasher I only had to live here for just a year.
landlord: Norman - the place is old (not inherently bad) and isnt clean. there are high levels of dust, and i had terrible allergies. - landlord made a weak attempt to fix this issue only when i left. the new tenant informed me that allergies still created a quality of life issue. it’s bad enough that the new tenant is looking to sublet within a month of moving in. - had a mice and roach problem which went away after a year of cleanliness from myself and my roommate, but the building may have a problem. - the door intercom system doesn’t work, and there’s no way to buzz guests OR mail in. Landlord is aware of this issue and is doing nothing. - I complained and the landlord suggested i leave a sign asking mail to be left with store downstairs. NOT OK! packages were often left with the store downstairs. - landlord does not reply promptly to maintenance issues. “i’ll call you later” and then he doesn’t. - landlord raised rent 21% without addressing any of these issues.
Advice to owner:
If you have any type of allergies, do NOT live here! Myself and Many guests had allergic reactions in the apartment!
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