Pinchus Rottenberg

Head Officer

2 Properties

12 Units

Evictions: 0
Litigation History: Yes
Review Summary for Pinchus Rottenberg
Summarized from anonymous rental reviews on openigloo.
Recent tenant reviews highlight buildings managed by Pinchus Rottenberg have severe management issues. Tenants report a multitude of concerning aspects including poor cleanliness, garbage management, maintenance delays, security risks, and negligent management. The lack of care for building conditions, safety hazards, and unresponsiveness towards tenant complaints are major drawbacks. Despite some advantages like convenient locations and spacious apartments, the prevalent issues make living conditions challenging for residents. Recommendations suggest significant improvements in building upkeep, security measures, and overall management responsiveness to enhance the living experience and ensure tenant well-being. Avoid living in buildings managed by Plaza Management for a better quality of life.
Open Violations
Only open violations from the last 10 years.
Data last updated 2 weeks ago.
0.91 violations per unit
0.81 violation per unit
class A
i.e. no peephole on a door, or no street # on the building, unlawful keeping of animals
Oct 02, 2024: § 27-2045 adm code post a proper notice of smoke detector requirements, in a form approved by the commissioner, at or near the mail box missing at public hall, 1st story
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class B
i.e. smoke detector issues, inadequate lighting, no lighting for stairways
Jan 12, 2024: § 27-2005 adm code properly repair with similar material the broken or defective wood flooring in the 1st room from east located at apt 3r, 3rd story, 1st apartment from south at west
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Immediately hazardous
class C
i.e. rodents, pest, mold, inadequate heat or hot water, defective building parts
Aug 29, 2024: hmc adm code: § 27-2017.4 abate the infestation consisting of rodents rats at building front yard
Show all
Missing information/filings
class I
Missing or non-compliant with administrative information orders or filings
No violation found...
Show all
All Properties Associated with Pinchus Rottenberg
728 Lorimer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211
6 Units 3 Floors
730 Lorimer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211
6 Units 3 Floors

Building Ratings

Garbage Management
Noise Levels
Owner Responsiveness
Pest Control
Water Pressure

Renter Recommendations

--% of renters recommend this building

--% of renters approve of this owner

Rents and Deposits

-- of renters received their security deposits back
It HAS NOT been reported if this building accepts electronic rent payments.

Reviews (3)

10 months ago
Former Tenant
Some woman in the in the office are not complete nightmares. However they can only pass on information to the building manager. I am using the word manager here very loosely.
Management does not care at all about this building.

Tickets are closed by the building "manager" with out any work being done. He then lies to tenants that the work has been done when that is easily proven that it has not.

I am sure he lies to the management office as well as much as he does to the tenants. When Plaza management first bought the building my husband caught Chaim peering in to his bedroom window via the fire escape. This man is a pervert! I don''t know why he didn't call the police. We have a security system and cameras installed because we don't trust management.

Hallways smell of dog shit. Many dogs in the building. Once came home to shit smeared all over the first floor and walls.

Someone in the building once kept a cat in the basement It DIED! and the smell was overwhelming, WTF! WTFFFFFFFFFF!

Second floor tenants play techno all. day. long. Also all night long.

Sundays starting at 9am. How do they think, they probably do not.

Luckily the screaming tenants seemed to have moved out.

Unsafe locks, no peep holes.

Sloping floors!! Convinced this place will eventually collapse!

Cracked plaster.

Misogynist building "manager" - Chaim Cohen.


Water Damage!

Takes months to get anything fixed if they fix it at all!

Buildings hallways and stairwells are never cleaned!

Roof leaks!

They "fix" something and leave a huge mess - paint buckets, plaster mess, water bottles left until a tenant cleans it up. They have to come back over and over again cause they don't ever fix the problems!


Everything breaks all of the time. It is constant.
Simple upkeep could stop this but it is just not done.

Hallways lights are always out.

Tenants have had to supply motion sensor lights in the hallways. Takes months to get a light bulb installed. The stair wells at night were PITCH BLACK.

I am sure that this is an illegal electrical issue. Read their Yelp reviews. Someone died in a fire in another building they owned due to electrical issues that they were aware of.

I believe that this is the case in this building.

Tenant supplied smoke alarms can be found in the buildings hallway. NOT supplied by the landlord. I am scared to live in this building so I put them on each floor in the hallway. I replace the batteries as well.

Advice to owner:
This is a plea to the city - Please confiscate all the buildings owed by Plaza Management! THEY ARE SCAMMERS AND DANGEROUS.
Over 2 years ago
Do NOT live in this building or any building run by Plaza Management.
Former Tenant
You may as well skip over this section and solely focus on the Cons haha, but will share the ONLY Pros below:

- Really convenient location on the SE corner of McCarren Park.

- Spacious railroad apartments ... but definitely not 2 beds as they advertise.
First thing I must say is to *STAY AWAY from buildings "managed" by Plaza Management*. The company is grossly negligent. They don't care about anything that happens in their buildings -- not even very serious/hazardous issues (so obviously, they don't care about their tenants either).

Will share some fun "memories" from the 18 months that I lived at 728 Lorimer ...

- The front door doesn't fully lock (you have to shove it & wait for a click) -- I flagged this to management the first week I moved in along with a ton of other issues I came across in my unit (my email was ignored), and then again a month or so later (they said "thanks for letting us know!" ... lol), but they did nothing. We had a break-in last winter because of this, and of course, management STILL did nothing. After speaking with other tenants about it, I found out that it had apparently happened before, but no action was taken (shocker). Packages were also frequently stolen from the building because of this. Tenants were forced to handwrite "warnings" on both sides of the front door to remind people to shove/pull it shut.

- To add to the security issues in the building, the top lock on my apartment door did not fully lock when I moved in. Without peepholes or door chain locks on the apartment doors, this proved to be a serious security hazard (especially when coupled with the front door issue). I flagged this to management and asked that it be replaced, but of course, they fought me on it! I replaced it myself and had to force management to pay for it (by threatening to take it out of my rent payment).

- The building is falling apart and is not taken care of whatsoever, which makes no sense because it's not a large building. The hallways were alllways dirty -- garbage and dead "things" everywhere -- and it constantly smelled of urine (many dogs in the building). The paint was peeling everywhere, the lights worked about 50% of the time ... it was just a mess. We received tenant surveys a few times, maybe once a quarter, and I was (obviously) honest about all of this, saying that the building could benefit from some TLC. The cleaning team finally came a week or so later (for the first time since I'd moved in), and I ran into one of the cleaners in the hallway -- he went on and on about how tenants had complained about the cleanliness of the building and that he was "forced to come clean" as a result ............ lol, really? I didn't even know what to say in response.

- The walls were SO. THIN. that you could hear literally everything outside, upstairs, next door ... even normal-volume conversations. It was just awful. There were some extremely disrespectful (long-standing) tenants in the building. They would blast movies, music and video games with INSANE bass levels on weeknights until 3am, they'd get into constant screaming matches (sounded like physical altercations at times) ... it was just nuts. The neighbors didn't seem to be very nice, and I feared that things would get worse if I'd said anything to them directly -- as opposed to reporting them to 311, I flagged these issues to management on multiple occasions (with video recordings as "evidence") in the hopes that this might be addressed in a calm manner. Obviously, nothing was done about it (lol).

- Tenants often get drunk and forget their keys and smash the windows of the front door to get into the building. Takes weeks for management to repair. (Lol again.)

- Units themselves are large, but are in horrible condition, I had to do a LOT of work to fix my apartment up upon moving in -- I filled about 30 holes and cracks, had to paint many areas, repair/replace fixtures, etc.

- VERY uneven flooring warped a few pieces of my furniture.

- Broken heaters spewed water everywhere during winter months, ruining my wooden dresser.

- They boast amenities -- new appliances, etc. -- but there are none, lol. The building is oooooold and 0 updates have been made in ages.

- I had to deal with 5 VERY large leaks in my unit over the course of 18 months, which damaged a number of my personal belongings (a few expensive ones, at that). It took AGES for management to attend to them, and then maintenance never properly fixed them when they came in. They never listened to me when I told them that there must be a larger issue, given how frequently they were occurring. During one of the leaks, water started pouring out of the ceiling light fixture in my bathroom and it took them 2 days to come look into it.

- Had an absolutely disgusting sewage backup in my bathtub (filled the tub up over the course of 4 hours, and I was horrified) because of an unreported backup upstairs and it took management 2 days to actually come and address the issue.

I was so sick of the lack of responses/care from management, so in April 2022, after another unanswered complaint, I notified them via email that I would be moving out when my lease ended on 7/31. I was relieved that my lease was finally coming to an end, but ran into MORE issues during that final month and after moving out ...

- Management tried to claim that I never notified them that I was moving out/not renewing my lease ONE WEEK before my lease ended, and threatened to deduct money from my security deposit because of that. I sent them the email confirmations from April (and afterwards), and there was no response. (Lol for the 50th time.)

- It was a BATTLE to receive my security deposit refund check from Plaza Management. There were 34 emails going back-and-forth regarding "my check being lost in-transit to the main office" in addition to other excuses (or them just ignoring my multiple follow-ups). It was only when I threatened to take them to small claims court for the 3rd time, when it was past the 60-day window in my lease agreement, that they finally confirmed that they check had been mailed to me. Absolutely ridiculous.

The cherry on top is that THEY INCREASED RENT BY 92.5% WHEN I MOVED OUT!!!!!!!!! Sure, I've seen and heard about pretty significant rent increases over the past few months, but 92.5%?! WHAT?! In a building with THIS many issues? Y'all are absolutely NUTS.
Advice to owner:
Fire everyone and shut down your company. You are all wildly incompetent and it should be illegal for you to manage any buildings in NYC. Scammers, scammers, scammers.
Over 2 years ago
Lived here forever
Former Tenant
Pretty quiet, great location, my apartment is rent stablized
Dirty, I have to spend my own money on pest control, crap quality repair work
Advice to owner:
Buy me out for a good amount and I will go away.