Several things including: 24 hour responsiveness for repairs, doorman and concierge service (lots of packages and a mostly safe system to distribute them), very clean lobby, business center, media room and play room, regular email notices about package deliveries and staff updates ie: the superintendent will be on vacation or no smoking reminders for people with terraces, garbage is collected a couple of times a day. There's a well maintained gym and pool. Intercom system works. Doorman will hold elevator for you if you're carrying lots of packages.
They rarely clean the outside windows. We've lived here for over 10 years. I think they've cleaned the outside windows twice. If you want to move to a new apartment in the building, you have to re-apply. There's two elevator banks: One you have to pass by the front desk to get clearance to enter. The other isn't as secure; it's right after the front entrance, so people can just walk straight to the elevator without checking in with the front desk first.
Advice to owner:
Bring the rental prices down! Of course!!!