i.e. no peephole on a door, or no street # on the building, unlawful keeping of animals
Oct 26, 2022: section 27-2013 adm code paint with light colored paint to the satisfaction of this department the ceiling at public hall, 5th story
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class B
i.e. smoke detector issues, inadequate lighting, no lighting for stairways
Feb 23, 2023: section 27-2026 adm code repair the leaky and/or defective water supply pipe under the sink in the kitchen located at apt 5b, 5th story, 1st apartment from north at east
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Immediately hazardous
class C
i.e. rodents, pest, mold, inadequate heat or hot water, defective building parts
Sep 21, 2015: section 27-2031 adm code provide hot water at all hot water fixtures in the entire apartment located at apt 2c, 2nd story, 1st apartment from east at south
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Missing information/filings
class I
Missing or non-compliant with administrative information orders or filings
No violation found...
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All Properties Associated with Chad Jewell
South Harlem
1829 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Boulevard, Manhattan, NY 10026
15 Units • 5 Floors
Building Ratings
Garbage Management
Noise Levels
Owner Responsiveness
Pest Control
Water Pressure
Renter Recommendations
--% of renters recommend this building
--% of renters approve of this owner
Rents and Deposits
-- of renters received their security deposits back
It HAS NOT been reported if this building accepts electronic rent payments.
Reviews (1)
2.5 stars
9 months ago
Advice. Need atention, do something
Former Tenant
Cuz is close to central park
The building is so many flys. Stink, the stair need to be fixed. Bad Small in the center building like all the c areas. When open windos from the c apts bad Smell Come from out side. Also many homless ppl. Very bad inside the apt witj flyes even i have Windows closed. Ppl is going out in the roof the alarm from the roof is not working. Garbage from each floor We cant throug it. From any floor. We have to carry all garbage to downstairs
Advice to owner:
Need to veMoreCareful with flyes. Also super does not do his job right