Mariam Farooq


Head Officer

Site Manager

3 Properties

25 Units

Evictions: 0
Litigation History: Yes
Open Violations
Only open violations from the last 10 years.
Data last updated 1 week ago.
0.4 violations per unit
0.81 violation per unit
class A
i.e. no peephole on a door, or no street # on the building, unlawful keeping of animals
Sep 29, 2023: § 300 m/d law file plans and application and legalize the following alteration or restore to the legal condition existing prior to the making of said alteration consistiing of drop ceiling in the 1st room from north located at apt 2r, 2nd story, 2nd apartment from west at north
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class B
i.e. smoke detector issues, inadequate lighting, no lighting for stairways
Jan 23, 2024: § 27-2017.3 hmc: trace and repair the source and abate the visible mold condition... approximately 4sq ft at ceiling, 2sq ft at west wall and 2sq ft at north wall in the bathroom located at apt 2l, 2nd story, 1st apartment from west at north original violation 16248116 issued 19-sep-23 has been upgraded to class b per administrative code §27-2017.3a(3)(a) or (b).
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Immediately hazardous
class C
i.e. rodents, pest, mold, inadequate heat or hot water, defective building parts
Jan 20, 2024: § 27-2033 adm code provide ready access to buildings heating system door locked at basement
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Missing information/filings
class I
Missing or non-compliant with administrative information orders or filings
No violation found...
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All Properties Associated with Mariam Farooq
Boerum Hill
479 Warren Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217
9 Units 4 Floors
Ocean Hill
459 Chauncey Street, Brooklyn, NY 11233
8 Units 4 Floors
Boerum Hill
413 Pacific Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217
8 Units 4 Floors

Building Ratings

Garbage Management
Noise Levels
Owner Responsiveness
Pest Control
Water Pressure

Renter Recommendations

--% of renters recommend this building

--% of renters approve of this owner

Rents and Deposits

-- of renters received their security deposits back
It HAS NOT been reported if this building accepts electronic rent payments.

Reviews (2)

Over 1 year ago
Terrible screening process
Former Tenant
Great neighborhood, nice and quiet. Close to downtown and nice restaurants.
The owner use agents to communicate. Request every potential tenant to interview in person. I was moving across several states. They don't care how far you are from and how much money requires to spend on the application. I was asked to fly into and out of New York several times to meet their coordinator and owner in person. They didn't want to provide any lease information or copy before flying into to New York signing lease in-pesob. The agent keep lying about the process and miscommuncate when and where all the steps need to take place. She even insulted me in person, mention my budget is too low to be their concern. Watch out for agent from HighLine residential. And prepare to empty your pocket before getting the apartment.
Advice to owner:
Be a human
Over 2 years ago
Former Tenant
* Amazing neighborhood - great community
* Quiet street
* One of very few studios
* Allows pets
* Nice neighbors
Landlord took cheap shortcuts that caused every single tenant a lot of financial pain and loss of time.

None of us had proper heat or hot water when we moved in and it took almost three months to fix. Mail was improperly set up for over a month. Some of us didn't have the appliances we were promised - like no dishwasher, just a hole in the counter or a smaller fridge than the one we saw in the unit when we signed the lease. The windows aren't weatherstripped properly, the units downstairs have holes to the outside and are not heated causing the units around them to cost more to heat (we pay electric).

Additionally, the electric wasn't properly set up so some of us received a bill for the entire buildings electric during the time it sat empty.

Additionally, she bait and switched all of us at the lease signing by waiting until we had put down a $500 deposit and some of us flew in from out of state to sign in person (she mandated in person) and had us sign a waiver saying our actual rent was $2800 instead of the $2400 we were told it was. By this point, many of us had sunk too much money and time in already to back out. Some of us were also told we would get keys the day we signed the lease, only to be told that no actually we would be getting keys a different day. She also did not provide the same lease in person as the one that was emailed to me prior to putting down a deposit. She sneakily changed my lease from being the 12 months that I had agreed to to 14 without informing me at signing.
Advice to owner:
Maybe consider bringing the building up to code BEFORE you let people move in and torment them for several months and then send them an email saying we had "the privilege of living here while the heat, hot water, etc were fixed". Try to remember actual humans live here and deserve to have proper heat, hot water and not be hit with your unpaid electric bills.