i.e. no peephole on a door, or no street # on the building, unlawful keeping of animals
Jan 02, 2020: section 27-2043 admin. code: provide a lock and key to the entrance door of dwelling unit chain door guard in the entrance located at apt 2, 2nd story, 1st apartment from south at west
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class B
i.e. smoke detector issues, inadequate lighting, no lighting for stairways
May 05, 2023: section 27-2005, 2007 adm code remove all encumbrances consisting of constuction material at west yard
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Immediately hazardous
class C
i.e. rodents, pest, mold, inadequate heat or hot water, defective building parts
Apr 11, 2023: section 27-2005, 27-2007, 27-2041.1 hmc: replace or repair the self-closing doors that is missing or defective in the entrance located at apt 2, 2nd story, 1st apartment from north at east
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Missing information/filings
class I
Missing or non-compliant with administrative information orders or filings
No violation found...
Show all
All Properties Associated with Hamilton 147 LLC
Hamilton Heights
537 West 147 Street, Manhattan, NY 10031
4 Units • 3 Floors
Stuyvesant Heights
570 Putnam Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11221
2 Units • 4 Floors
Building Ratings
Garbage Management
Noise Levels
Owner Responsiveness
Pest Control
Water Pressure
Renter Recommendations
--% of renters recommend this building
--% of renters approve of this owner
Rents and Deposits
-- of renters received their security deposits back
It HAS NOT been reported if this building accepts electronic rent payments.
Reviews (1)
1.38 stars
Over 1 year ago
Very Little to Like
Former Tenant
The bathroom was recently renovated and the apartment had central air. There are a few local spots which are nice.
The apartment was the top floor of a three family block with a skylight that constantly leaked and management who insisted it was fixed despite reporting to them I was injured after slipping! None of the doors were self closing and it took threats of involving the fire department before anything was done. The front door lock broke and as such was open to everyone. The small mail area in front of the doorway was a constant disgrace. The neighbors and surrounding people are mostly rude and disrespectful, a bunch of local kids broke a window on the first floor. A homeless shelter is right across the street, so there is the danger of running into them. It is far from decent transport links. Walking to the A is at least 15 minutes. There was a constant insect and roach issue and vile service in return from the management. The manager and June Homes have zero clue what they are doing. STEER CLEAR OF JUNE HOMES.
Advice to owner:
Realize you have a job to do and do it. Stop being slum lords. Make sure you respond to requests and don’t shove our concerns aside.